Requirements for unemployment insurance (or UI) change depending on the state and each State Unemployment Insurance Agency has its own set of requirements. However, unemployment insurance eligibility generally involves workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. To meet the minimum qualifications for unemployment benefits, you cannot lose your jobs because of work-related misconduct. To qualify for unemployment benefits, you need to meet base period and minimum earning requirements determined by the state in which you reside. If you are facing the loss of your job from your previous employer, you are probably wondering what the requirements to get unemployment as a senior are. To qualify for unemployment as a senior, you have to lose your job through no fault of your own and you need to be looking for a new job. You do not meet senior unemployment insurance eligibility requirements if you quit your job willingly so you can retire. To learn more about how to qualify for unemployment as a senior and learn more about who qualifies for unemployment insurance, consider the information below.

Discover Who Qualifies for Unemployment Insurance
Qualifications for unemployment insurance and the ways you can apply for it change depending on the state you reside in, as each state has its own set of rules for qualifying and for completing the application process. To qualify for unemployment you have to work as a company employee and lose your job through no fault of your own. You can also qualify for unemployment insurance if you lose your job for other reasons that do not involve workplace misconduct. For example, you will not be eligible for unemployment if your employer fires you for intentional improper behavior in the workplace. However, in some states, you may be eligible for UI benefits if your employer fires you because you can’t complete your work as expected.
To meet unemployment insurance eligibility requirements, seniors must continue to work as an employee (rather than an independent contractor), even if they have already reached retirement age. The requirements to get unemployment as an elderly worker involve continuing to work after reaching retirement age and losing their job through no fault of their own, including situations involving age discrimination or wrongful termination. In this case, they may be able to qualify for senior unemployment benefits and Social Security retirement payments at the same time. Nonetheless, to meet senior eligibility requirements for unemployment, they must be available for work and regularly looking for new opportunities. To learn more about the qualifications for unemployment insurance, download our helpful free guide.
Learn About the Requirements to Get Unemployment Insurance as a Senior
To get unemployment as a senior, you need to meet all standard UI eligibility requirements. Although eligibility often changes by state, you will normally need to earn a minimum amount of wages during an established base period. In many cases, you can meet eligibility requirements if you worked during the previous four out of five calendar quarters and earn a minimum amount of wages during that period. However, keep in mind that specific base periods and minimum earning amounts change from state to state. Also, the minimum earning amounts affect the total weekly UI benefits you get. Make sure you learn more about the requirements for unemployment benefits to complete the application with the right information in the right period of time.
Additionally, you can also qualify for senior unemployment benefits if you were a victim of discrimination or wrongful termination in the workplace. To meet senior eligibility for unemployment requirements based on discrimination, you need to be a victim of workplace discrimination based on. Keep in mind that age-related discrimination claims need to be filed by people of at least 40 years of age. Seniors can also be eligible for unemployment if they experience age-related discrimination that results in a layoff, firing or change in their salary.
Who does not qualify for senior unemployment benefits?
Although you may qualify for unemployment benefits after losing your job, you will not be eligible for senior unemployment insurance if you are retired or if any of these things are true:
- You voluntarily left your job without “good cause”
- In most cases, the definition of “good cause” varies by state
- You were fired because of workplace misconduct
- You work as an independent contractor
- You are not actively seeking work or are unable to work
- You refused a good job offer
Seniors can only meet the qualifications for unemployment if they earned enough wages during their previous base period and meet any other state-specific eligibility requirements. If they meet the qualifications for unemployment benefits but their claim is denied, they can start the process to appeal an unemployment insurance denials within a specific timeframe.

Find Out How to Keep Qualifications for Unemployment
Once you become eligible for senior unemployment, you need to keep your eligibility status by filing weekly or biweekly claims with your state’s UI agency. To stay eligible you can generally file these claims by mail or telephone, depending on the state you live in. To keep qualifying for senior unemployment, you also need to report any weekly job offers or refusals you get to the state’s UI office. In some cases, if you want to keep unemployment insurance eligibility you will need to report from time to time to your local UI office for scheduled interviews. If you do not meet the qualifications for unemployment listed above you can get disqualified and not be eligible anymore.
To learn more about how to qualify for senior unemployment benefits, download our helpful guide.